Tag Archives: nutrition

The 4 P’s of Nutrition

better nutrition advice

The nutrients you get from food, each have a specific purpose. Some improve the immune system, thus protecting you against harmful pathogens, while others are burned by your metabolism, used as energy to perform basic tasks. From automotive tasks like breathing and digesting, to the ability to be physically active. Understanding the intricacies of your diet is easier when breaking it […]

3 Healthy Habits Every Busy Person Should Adopt

healthy habits to adopt

Most people tend to approach health and fitness with an all-or-nothing attitude. While you have a break from your insane amount of tasks and deadlines, you go full vegan and do burn-outs at the gym. However, as soon as the pressure gets turned up again, all of those commitments subside with a promise to yourself that you’ll pick up the healthy […]

6 Reasons Why You Should Be Adding Garlic to Every Meal


While garlic breath is not the most appealing thing to look forward to, this veggie comes with some potent health benefits that definitely makes up for it. Garlic has been renowned for ages for its medicinal properties. Here are a few reasons that should convince you to add it to just about every meal you […]