Easy Ways Busy Moms Can Stay Healthy

Busy Moms

With little ones around the house, it can be challenging to prioritise yourself. There is always a spill to clean, toys to pick up, or a victim of an unfortunate toe-stubbing to be comforted.

These challenges make it difficult for you to set aside time to do some exercise or cook healthy meals that you know the whole family will enjoy. Despite that, it is important to take care of yourself so that you can take the best care of your loved ones.

Most of us make the mistake of looking at healthy living as an ‘all or nothing’ endeavour  – if you are unable to complete a boot camp with ease or you do not primarily live on vegetables, then what’s the point, right? Wrong.

This is not the case at all. There is a multitude of ways you can easily make some healthier choices that make significant health improvements for you and your family in the long run.

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Daily Vitamin Supplement

Vitamin supplements are an easy way to ensure that you get most of the nutrients you need daily, for those days that you were not able to cook a wholesome, properly nutritious meal for yourself.

Taking a vitamin supplement hardly takes any time out of your schedule, and it is a great way to start the day knowing that you have already done your body a huge favour.

fun exercise

Fun Mini Workouts

You do not necessarily have to get up at 5 am to hit the gym. This is not always a realistic goal when you have a family that keeps you occupied.

Instead, try to make exercise fun for yourself and everyone else. For example, you can take your kids to the beach or a nearby park and play with them, either roughhousing or chasing them. That way, the healthy mom goal you want to achieve becomes far more within reach.

Alternatively, squeezing in some quick workouts throughout the day could also take some of the pressure off, such as doing squats or push-ups while waiting for the oatmeal to cook, or using a set of resistance bands for a speedy strength workout before waking the kids up for school. The possibilities are endless.

Get Enough Sleep

Enough proper sleep is one of the best ways to give your body a boost. Sleep helps you regenerate and recharge both mentally and physically, which in turn helps you become a healthier mom.

Sleep also plays a vital part in immune function, metabolism, memory, concentration, learning and mood – which are all important for overall long-term health. It helps with patience and keeps you relaxed when motherhood throws one of its many curve-balls at you.

get a good night's sleep

While the general recommendation is to have 7-9 hours of sleep per night, this is not always possible, especially if you have a toddler or an infant. Just do the best you can to get to bed at a reasonable time every night so that you can try to get the REM sleep you need. (Leave your smartphone in the living room when heading off to bed! Read further for more on this)

Have Proper Meals

It’s far easier to make healthier food choices and eat more well-balanced meals if you are sitting down to three meals a day instead of snacking throughout the whole day. If you’re very crunched for time (aren’t we all) you can try to do weekly meal-prepping.

You can also make simple changes to your diet to help, such as whole-grain bread instead of white bread, muesli instead of sugar-filled commercialised cereals, and fruit instead of sweets.

healthy meal

Cut Down on Tech

While a great convenience, smartphones impede our ability to fall asleep at night. Try putting your phone away about an hour before bedtime to help you get your mind off your mountains of responsibilities, and allow your body to relax so that you can fall asleep easier.

The same goes for television. Spending less time in front of the TV has health benefits, such as less snacking and more activity. Not to mention, as with smartphones, spending less time staring at a screen will do wonders for you, especially before bedtime.


Find healthy ways to manage daily stress, such as doing yoga, going for a walk, meditating or even soaking in a bubble bath. Remember to make time for your friends and extended family members too. Keeping up relations is a good thing and spending time with loved ones is a great stress reliever (at least in most cases, remember you can choose who, where and for how long).

cellphone addiction

If you are having a tough time coping with everything that needs to be done, a support group could be another thing to consider. Receiving support from other moms who are trying to live a healthier life can make the world of difference, and significantly impact your life in a positive way.

yoga retreat

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